
【T11112】ヤラ・イエリング・アジンコート・カベルネ・マルベック S'15 | Yarra Yering Agincourt Cabernet Malbec S'15

¥7,650 tax included

*Earliest delivery date is 1/22(Wed) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

*Shipping fees are free on this item.

【プレミアム・オファー | Premium Offer】
Must buy at least 1 set from SPECIAL SET OFFER or VC Set ranges to purchase this item

同じ畑のアジンコート区画のブドウのみで造られたブレンド。「ドライ・レッド No.1」に比べよりスパイシーで力強くタイトなストラクチャー。熟成による円熟した旨味。
98pts James Halliday

品種:カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン75% / マルベック25%

《The first YY Bordeaux blend released in 2015 ‒ how is it different from Dry Red No.1?》
A blend made only from grapes from the Agincourt parcel in the same vineyard. It is spicier, more powerful and tighter in structure than “Dry Red No.1”. Complex flavours from aging. 98pts James Halliday

Region:Yarra Valley, Victoria, Australia
Variety:Cabernet Sauvignon75% / Malbec25%

This shop sells alcoholic beverages. Drinking under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.

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¥7,650 tax included

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Please note, you must purchase at least one of the VC sets or Special Offer sets in order to purchase from Premium Offers.
