【SP248】海辺が似合うカジュアル6本セット(白3本・赤3本)| A casual 6-bottle set for summer at the beach (3 red, 3 white)
【SP249】山にちなむワイン6本セット(白3本・赤3本)| 6-bottle set of mountain-inspired wines (3 whites and 3 reds)
【SP250】ブルゴーニュ&ニューワールド 高品質ピノ飲み比べ3本セット(赤3本)| High quality Burgundy & New World Pinot 3-bottle tasting set (3 reds)
【SP251】ジューシーな味わいと爽快な喉ごし スリー・オークス・シードル(375ml缶) 30缶セット | It’s like biting into an apple! Three Oaks Cider (375ml can) 30 can set
アデレード・ヒルズはワイン銘醸地であるとともに南オーストラリア州のリンゴ生産量80%を占める一大産地。 スリー・オークスは、19世紀から4世代続く果樹園の良質なリンゴをワイン醸造家が低温で自然発酵させて造るプレミアム・クラフトシードル。フルーティな香りで甘さを抑えた爽快な飲み心地。無着色・無香料、グルテンフリー。サーモンソテー×シードルの抜群の相性もぜひお試しください。 産地:南オーストラリア州アデレード・ヒルズ 品種:ピンク・レディ/グラニー・スミス/レッド・デリシャス 定価:¥495 ■賞味期限 2024年10月20日 As well as being famous for its cool climate wines, the Adelaid e Hills produces 80% of all apples grown in South Australia. Using fruit from fa mily orchards farmed by four generations since the 1860s, this blend of juice is fermented for 10-14 days at low temperatures using natural yeast to make a pr emium craft cider. Complex and well balanced, with a crisp, clean finish driven by the natural acidity of the apples. No additives. Gluten free. Delicious with sauteed salmon. Region:Adelaide Hills, South Australia Variety:Pink Lady/Granny Smith/Red Delicious RRP:¥495 ■Best before date: October 20, 2024
SPRING 期間限定 2023年8月31日まで
Available until the 31st of August or until sold out.
プレミアム・オファーの商品ご購入には、VCセット または スペシャル・セット・オファーいずれかの同時ご購入が必要です。
Please note, you must purchase at least one of the VC sets or Special Offer sets in order to purchase from Premium Offers.
If you are looking for good quality wine deals, you’ve come to the right place. Village Cellars Wine Club offers changing wine sets throughout the year to keep your tastebuds interested and satisfied. Any commitments for being a member? Absolutely none! You buy as many as you want when you want them. In addition you will get a full support by native English speaking staff if you ever need any help.
Village Cellars Wine Club is run by K.K. Wine Buzz. K.K. Wine Buzz was established for private wine sales and wine clubs by Village Cellars K.K., an importer of the new world wines in Japan since 1987.