
【T10876】ドゥ・ヴノージュ・コルドン・ブルー・ブリュット・ロゼ NV | de Venoge Cordon Bleu Brut Rose NV

¥9,500 tax included

*Earliest delivery date is 1/22(Wed) (may require more days depending on delivery address).

*Shipping fees are free on this item.

・RRP: ¥11,440 (送料込)
☆ ゲストへのサプライズにも◎

•RRP: ¥11,440 (incl. shipping and tax)
•Varietals: Pinot Noir 60%, Chardonnay 20%, Meunier 20%
•Characteristics: Fruity and mellow
•Bonus gift: Comes with a white marker for writing directly on the bottle—perfect for surprising your guests!

This shop sells alcoholic beverages. Drinking under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.

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¥9,500 tax included

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